Right, so first post and i guess this isn't going to be the most positive of posts to start off with. After playing my paladin as a tank for the last year and a half to two years. Sticking with it after the "If you want to be a tank, play a Warrior" comments and grinding through the hard points within this class now i can finally say.
God damn ain't i overpowered!!
From looking at the class, seeing the numbers and playing with it. It makes me wonder where my challenge will be as a tank. I look at Ulduar and with the ease of current content i can say that I'm unsure if it will be what i need to really bring me back into WoW as a tank. At the moment I'm in a Pre-Tbc guild going through Aq-20, Molten Core and Zul-Gurub as a healer, to me it is how I'm enjoying the game as the current content seems rather boring as a whole. Sarth 3d being the one encounter that is hard and 30 min to fill up a week isn't really what i want to see in this game and i pretty much stopped before we took that down due to the shear boredom of playing my pala.
I can go on about the " Ah but you need to do achievements" comments and that just makes me wonder if its people trying to fill the gaps to not see the point that there isn't half as much content as when TBC was released. Yes i came into TBC as a raider about 6 months in so it had already been established but i remember how we worked at some bosses in Kara. Spending time in there was fun and i felt like i had to think. People are saying that this is the first level of raid content and its going to be as easy as Kara but in this game has there ever been a raid instance that has been defined as too easy from the outset?!? It really does make me wonder where this game will be going. In the future and if it is attempting to be aimed at the bad players.
Rant off,

Oh No you got to make the first post (grumbles)! Now let me start off by saying... yes Naxx is easy... and yes Kara did seem harder, however we are looking at kara as hard due to the months we spent farming it waiting for 25 people with TPG.
The challenge is coming I think hopefully in ulduar. Healer mana Regen is getting nerfed spell costs are going up and I think I have seen somewhere that Blizzard wants to make more burst damage and also a lot more spell damage. At the moment pretty much any healer can just face roll the key board put everything on everyone and just /dance the rest of the instance (I exaggerate, however I think this still rings true). healing is not going to be as consistent anymore, so tanks are really going to have to be on their toes.The only really thing that mattered in naxx was a tanks health pool and not pulling silly things (and getting out of the fire things). Tanks roles are soon going to have to include a lot more damage avoidance rather than just straight up mitigation. Anyway that's what I hope.
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