Hello! Welcome Welcome to our blog of wonder, before Seaver beat me to it I was going to make the first post, explain a little about what this blog should be about (hopefully), and also introduce our selves.
Basically the way I see this blog is that it is a combined postings of a healer and a tank. We are both mainly PvE players, and are currently raiding together more or less. Although the intended focus was going to be about how healers and tanks interact and how stupid DPS are, I doubt very much if that is what is actually going to appear here.
Anyway that's about as far as we have planned this so far!
So let me introduce my self:
I'm currently playing a level 80 Nelf Tree (it's female, you'll have to forgive me, but as far as I'm concerned when I spend silly amounts of time staring at an arse, it better god damn be a female one) called Phood. I'm on Doomhammer EU and in a guild called Jotunheim, who have in the current patch (3.0.9 I think), cleared all content including 3 drakes (Although I wasn't there (Sigh)), and are currently achievement hunting.
I joined Wow about maybe 2.5 years ago, leveled a rogue to 60 got bored, leveled a priest to 70, fell in love with raid healing, got bored of the priest, rolled the tree, WOTLK hit, and we killed everything.
I currently spend alot of time pvping as 3x/0/4x, and am planning to get better at arena.
anyway that's just a lets-get-everyone-on-the-same-page kinda post and hopefully seaver will introduce him self also once he gets out of Molten Core

Right, time for me to put some information about myself in!
Well I started of playing this game by playing a Warrior as a Dps which i think Phood will back me up on. I sucked at. I rerolled to my paladin and then it was the perfect roll for me, I've been through quite alot with my paladin and I'd like to think I'm competent at the roll i play. I've played on Doomhammer EU from day one and met Phood about 2 years ago. Being playing with him pretty much since!
Nowadays I play my paladin as Retribution till Ulduar is released and then I'll be having a look at tanking again!
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